5 min read / 16 June 2023 / Laura Garvin Gomez
Best Essential Oils for Skin
Discover the ultimate secrets for healthy, radiant skin and learn how to harness the power of these oils in your skincare routine.

What oils are good for your skin? It’s a question posed by many people looking to improve the condition of their skin who prefer to use natural applications instead of cosmetic products.
Whether you have sensitive, dry or oily skin, or are looking for a pigmentation or anti-ageing treatment, there is an essential oil that could work for you.
With that in mind, we take a closer look at the best essential oils for skincare and offer guidance on how to prepare and apply them safely so you can get the best possible results.
Can you use essential oils on the face or skin?When combined with a carrier oil and applied correctly, it is believed that it is perfectly safe to use essential oils on the face and skin. Before using an essential oil for the first time, it is recommended that you carry out a skin patch test to ensure you do not experience an allergic reaction of some kind. If you are a woman that is pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended that you avoid using essential oils. Follow the steps below to carry out a patch test:
If you experience any kind of irritation, itchiness, inflammation, or an allergic reaction of any kind, wash the oil off your skin right away and do not use the essential oil any further. |
How to use essential oils for skin
You can use essentials oils for face and skin care by following the steps below:
- Carry out a patch test: Follow our guide above to complete a patch test to ensure your body will accept the essential oil without a negative reaction.
- Dilute the essential oil: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be diluted with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil. 12 drops of essential oil for every 30 ml of carrier should be enough.
- Apply the oil to your skin: Apply the diluted essential oil mixture to the temple, chest, wrist, ankles, bottom of your feet and bottom of your neck. You can also apply it to other areas as part of a massage. Do not use essential oils on your eyes, nose or ears as these areas are too sensitive.
Essential oils for sensitive skin
When treating sensitive skin, you should avoid acidic essential oils, such as lemongrass oil and lemon oil, as they could cause irritation.
Sensitive skin can be oily or dry and can sometimes be the cause of or caused by various skin conditions such as eczema or allergies.
So, it is best to use softer essential oils that are safe for use on all skin types, with the likes of lavender oil, sandalwood and frankincense oil offering a good solution.
Essential oils for dry skin
Dry skin can occur for any number of reasons, whether it’s related to the weather, the natural ageing process or a specific skin condition. Some essential oils for dry skin you could try include:
- Chamomile essential oil: The presence of azulene in Chamomile Essential Oil can help to moisturise your skin and reduce inflammation. It’s also great for treating any unexpected spots that may appear, helping to remove and soothe the skin back to normal.
- Amyris essential oil: Amyris Essential Oil contains antioxidants that can help to combat sagging skin and skin cell structure. Regular application should ensure moisture levels are maintained, increasing elasticity.
Essential oils for oily skin
When you have excessive oil on your skin it is caused by hyperactive sebaceous glands that are producing too much. Oil levels can also be increased by external factors such as heat, hormones and humidity, so using essential oils may be able to help:
- Rosemary essential oil: Researchers have found that Rosemary Essential Oil can help to reduce oil levels in greasy hair and combat dandruff, with one of its main ingredients, sebum, also having the potential to reduce rising sebum levels. Check out our rosemary for hair oil or learn more about rosemary oil for hair and its benefits.
- Clary sage essential oil: Continued use of Clary Sage Essential Oil could give you more control over excess sebum. And for those more mature in age, clary sage is also known for its anti-ageing properties, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines.
Essential oils for skin rashes
Low moisture levels and increased itchiness and irritation are common symptoms of skin rashes. These can be reduced through use of certain essential oils to combat conditions like psoriasis and eczema, with some animal studies experiencing breakthroughs in recent years. Some essential oils for skin rashes to try include:
- Eucalyptus essential oil: Eucalyptus Essential Oil is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. There are some suggestions that topical application may increase skin moisture levels to reduce itchiness in sores and rashes, although more research is needed to confirm this.
- Peppermint essential oil: Menthol is a key ingredient of Peppermint Essential Oil and is used by many to control and reduce the effects of headaches. Menthol can also provide an analgesic effect on the skin, which can cool hot rashes.
Essential oils for anti-ageing
As you get older, collagen levels in your skin naturally begin to reduce, which can create more wrinkles, line or cause it to sag. Thanks to their anti-ageing properties, there are some essential oils that may be able to help.
- Myrrh essential oil: Studies have learned that Myrrh Essential Oil can promote better blood circulation, which plays a big role in helping to keep skin looking fresh and rejuvenated. It may also work as an antioxidant by reducing oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
- Rose geranium essential oil: Rose Geranium Essential Oil contains both vitamin A and C, and topical application may be able to sustain the turnover of skin cells, which typically starts to slow down as we age. Using the oil could reduce the signs of ageing and create younger-looking skin.
Finding the best essential oils for skin and facial treatments really comes down to what you hope to change and improve. Essential oils have the potential to ease a wide range of skin conditions and regular, safe application could be transformative. When using essential oils on your skin, carry out a patch test and if there is no allergic reaction, dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil anywhere but the eyes, nose, ears and other sensitive areas of the body.