The best essential oils for treating vertigo and dizziness | Nikura

4 min read / 3 June 2022 / Laura Garvin Gomez

The best essential oils for treating vertigo and dizziness

These oils can help you to find balance when dealing with vertigo symptoms.

Have you ever felt as if the world is suddenly spinning around you? It could be vertigo.

Vertigo is a common symptom of many different illnesses and disorders, and it can be incredibly unpleasant to deal with.

If you’re struggling to find your feet and restore your wellness, these essential oils for dizziness and vertigo relief can help to prevent that spinning feeling.

What is vertigo?

It is estimated that vertigo affects more than 5% of adults every year, with sources claiming that many of us will suffer from it at least once in our lives.

Contrary to popular believe, the sensation is not akin to your typical dizziness or the feeling of standing up too quickly, but rather is described as being placed on an unexpected fairground ride.

Sufferers of vertigo may feel as if the world is spinning around them, and they may be tempted to fall over due to the unbalanced feeling that has come over them.

Some people may also experience other symptoms such as nausea, headaches or general anxiety as a result.

While vertigo is considered to be fairly harmless, it can still be a scary feeling if you've never experienced it before.

What are the different types of vertigo?

There are three main types of vertigo that one can experience: central, positional, and peripheral.

  • Central - This type of vertigo is usually related to some sort of trauma to the brain, and can cause a feeling of unbalance in the sufferer across long periods of time. Those that experience vertigo during migraines are usually diagnosed with the central type due to its links with the brain.
  • Positional - This is a very rare type of vertigo that is caused by specific head movements that the sufferer does.
  • Peripheral - Originating from the inner ear, this type of vertigo is the most common someone can experience. Movements of our inner ear stones, ear infections, injuries or air travel can all cause peripheral vertigo, as the ears are our bodies centre for balance, therefore are most susceptible to these changes.

What are the symptoms of vertigo?

While the symptoms of vertigo can vary from case to case, common symptoms of the condition include:

  • Unbalanced feelings or spinning/dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of balance
  • Difficulty walking, standing, or judging your surroundings

What essential oils are good for vertigo and dizziness?

Since vertigo can be quite difficult to permanently treat, employing the help of natural remedies during certain episodes can assist in keeping you grounded until the moment passes.

Below are some of our top picks for dispelling symptoms of vertigo.

  • Clary sage oil: has a balancing effect on the nervous system and is often used to lessen the frequency and severity of anxiety attacks. Vertigo can often be worsened by anxiety, and so clary sage’s powerful, grounding effects can help us to keep symptoms under control. Learn more about the benefits of clary sage essential oil.
  • Ginger oil: is known to be a grounding oil and is a common home remedy for vertigo. It has been shown to reduce dizziness by improving blood flow to the brain, which can help to prevent light-headedness and help us to find our balance. Ginger essential oil can also relieve other commonly associated symptoms such as nausea and headaches. Learn more about the benefits of ginger essential oil.
  • Lavender oil: A calming oil, lavender oil can be used to put us in a state of relaxation, which allows vertigo symptoms to pass more quickly. Lavender oil is often used to relieve dizziness and headaches, as well reducing any accompanying stress and anxiety. Learn more about the benefits of lavender essential oil.
  • Lemon oil: has many uses but one of its most common is as a natural remedy for nausea. Since nausea is a common secondary symptom of vertigo, many people use lemon oil to make vertigo episodes more bearable. Lemon oil’s anxiety-relieving effects can also helps us to cope with any stress we may have related to vertigo. Learn more about the benefits of lemon essential oil.
  • Melissa oil: A traditional Iranian cure for vertigo, has been used to relieve dizziness for many years. Inhaling the lemony oil can help us to feel more grounded, calm and balanced, which can reduce the length of vertigo episodes. Learn more about the benefits of melissa essential oil.
  • Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil can relieve dizziness by improving blood flow to the brain, helping us to regain a feeling of balance. Research suggests that peppermint can also be very useful for tackling the accompanying symptoms of vertigo, as it has a positive effect on nausea and headaches. Learn more about the benefits of peppermint essential oil.
  • Tangerine oil: has long been used as a home remedy for headaches and nausea thanks to its refreshing, pain-relieving properties. Some people have also found that inhaling tangerine can help to reduce dizzy spells. Learn more about the benefits of tangerine essential oil.
  • Thyme oil: has natural anti-dizziness properties that can help to relieve episodes of vertigo. Some people have also found that thyme oil relieves accompanying headaches better than over-the-counter painkillers. Learn more about the benefits of thyme essential oil.

Symptoms of vertigo may vary quite a lot from person to person, and as a result essential oils may work better for some than they do for others.

It’s also best to experiment and try different oils at different concentrations in order to find out what works best for you.

If you’re not sure where to start, try our a balancing blend of ginger, melissa and peppermint.

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Medical Disclaimer

The content in this article is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of medical advice. Please consult your personal physician for any advice or treatment regarding specific health questions. Neither the article editor, writer, nor the organisation of Nikura takes any responsibility for possible health consequences following the information given in any article. All readers should consult their physician before taking any advice given within these articles.

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