5 min read / 4 August 2023 / Laura Garvin Gomez
Grapeseed Oil for Hair: Benefits and How to Use
Discover the power of grapeseed oil: learn its hair benefits and effective usage tips.
Using grapeseed oil for hair health offers a natural way to add shine and vitality to your strands and scalp.
In years past, the seeds used to extract the oil were discarded as part of the winemaking process as it was thought they were valueless, although that perception has changed dramatically in more recent times.
Once cold-pressed into a carrier oil, grapeseed oil can be used in a variety of ways on your hair and scalp, providing a helpful solution for dry hair and scalp conditions. In this article, we explain how to use grapeseed oil for hair, along with its benefits and some helpful tips to help you get more from your hair care routine.
What is grapeseed oil?Grapeseed oil is extracted from the same wild grapes used to make most wine, which are typically grown in central Europe, Southwestern Asia and the Mediterranean region. To extract the oil, the seeds are pressed before being dried out and crushed into a concentrated extract. Manufacturers also form tablets and capsules using the extract, whilst the oil can also be used for high-heat cooking (although it is very high in polyunsaturated fats, so is not a very healthy choice for frying your food). Using it as part of a salad dressing may be more suitable, or as an ingredient in baking recipes. |
Is grapeseed oil good for hair?
Grapeseed oil is a natural fit with all types of hair, offering an easy way to moisturise and hydrate your strands and scalp. The oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, linolenic acid, antioxidants, carotenoids and a polyphenol called OPC, which are all beneficial for your hair. It’s lightweight and easy to apply and does not require dilution, so there are lots of ways you can include it in your daily or weekly hair care routine.
Grapeseed oil benefits for hair
Using grapeseed oil for hair offers several benefits, some of which include:
1. It supports hair growth
Grapeseed oil is stacked with health benefits for your hair, including flavonoids, vitamin E, linoleic acid and OPCs. These can all help to support the long-term growth of healthy, vibrant hair. One mice-based study used grapeseed oil as a tonic and scalp treatment, which produced impressive results.
2. Moisturises and hydrates hair
As is true of all carrier oils, grapeseed oil works as an excellent natural moisturiser, helping to lock in hydration. And because it is so lightweight, it won’t leave your hair looking or feeling greasy (when the correct amount is applied). Apply it after you have used a water-based moisturiser as it works as a sealant, due to the combination of linoleic acid and monounsaturated lipids it contains.
3. Protects against UV damage
Grapeseed can prove to be particularly helpful during the summer, as it offers a natural way to protect yourself against UV rays. Thanks to the high content of vitamin E and phenolic compounds, it forms a barrier to shield against UV rays, minimising the threat of colour loss and protein depletion that long-term exposure to the sun can cause.
4. Strengthens weak hair
If your hair is starting to break a little too easily, grapeseed oil can help to restore its strength and shine. That’s because it is stacked with omegas, vitamin E and antioxidants, which can all help to hydrate and moisturise dry hair that has been overexposed to heat, too much product or environmental factors.
5. May reduce hair loss
Because you can apply grapeseed oil directly to the scalp, it may be able to prevent the production of the DHT hormone, which is responsible for hair loss and weakening hair follicles. You can also blend grapeseed with an essential oil such as rosemary oil, which could help to restore hair for people experiencing loss or thinning.
6. Combats dandruff
Although grapeseed is not suitable for fixing conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhoea or eczema, in some cases it can help to combat dandruff. This is due to its moisturising properties, so if you have a dry scalp causing dandruff, using grapeseed oil could provide a natural solution.
How to use grapeseed oil for your hair
There are few different ways you can use grapeseed oil for your hair. Take some time to experiment with the oil to see what works best for you:
- Leave-in treatment: You can add a few drops of grapeseed oil to your hair and/or scalp once or twice a week. Massage using your fingertips and leave it on your hair for 25-30 minutes, before washing as normal.
- Moisturising on wash day: Another option is to mix a small amount of grapeseed oil with your preferred shampoo or conditioner. This will provide a moisturising boost when you are washing your hair, which can add more vibrancy and shine.
- Controlled styling: If your hair regularly experiences dryness and frizz, you can use grapeseed to give you more control. When you come out of the bath or shower, add a few drops to the lengths of your hair, which will boost moisturisation and help to reduce frizz.
- Scalp hydration: You can use grapeseed oil as a scalp treatment, helping to hydrate and minimise dry, flaky skin developing. Twice a week use a dropper to apply a few drops to your scalp and massage using your fingertips.
For anyone using the oil for the first time, start with a small amount to gauge how much is suitable for your hair. And you do not have to worry about dilution ratios, as grapeseed oil is a carrier oil, so direct application is perfectly fine.
If you have a flaky scalp, dry hair or want to add more moisture to your strands, then grapeseed oil could provide the answer. Mix it with your shampoo or conditioner, apply directly to the scalp or use it as a leave-in treatment, depending on what suits you best and helps you to achieve your hair goals. You can also mix grapeseed with a whole host of essential oils to add even more health benefits – although it is advisable to complete a patch test if you are a first-time user to safeguard against any potential allergic reactions.