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6 min read / 1 August 2023 / Laura Garvin Gomez

Benefits of Lavender Oil for Hair

Unveiling the hair-nourishing secrets of Lavender Oil - a natural elixir for healthy, luscious locks!


Using lavender oil for hair offers a lot of benefits, whether it’s easing inflamed skin or promoting hair growth.

It’s been used by civilisations around the world for centuries as a natural remedy, giving you an alternative to chemical-based commercial products that are not suitable options for everyone. 

We decided to take a closer look at the benefits of using lavender oil for hair, giving you key information about its natural properties, how it can benefit your hair and some of the best ways to apply it. 

Is lavender oil good for hair?

Regular application of lavender oil can be beneficial for your hair and scalp, such as:

  1. Produces a calm and soothing effect: One of the main reasons why so many people love to use lavender oil is because of its wonderfully natural, floral scent. They also find it allows them to relax and de-stress, especially in moments of high anxiety. This was illustrated in a that showed how people experienced more relaxation and better moods after inhalation.
  2. It contains antimicrobial properties:  have long since established that lavender oil contains antimicrobial properties, which helps to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. When you apply lavender oil to your scalp or hair, it can prevent things like dandruff, itchy scalp or infections from developing.
  3. Promotes hair growth: According to when lavender essential oil is applied to mice it can lead to the growth of more hair, making it grow faster and thicker. And when applied to the skin, it can prove to be particularly effective, perhaps even helping to ease alopecia or pattern baldness. There is not enough evidence to confirm that using lavender oil for hair growth on humans will be successful, although it is perfectly safe to apply.
  4. May help to ease skin inflammation: Many people turn to lavender essential oil to soothe inflamed or burnt skin and it can also help to ease scalp dryness and inflammation. focussed on the topical application of lavender oil to treat skin inflammation and ulcers and displayed very positive results, helping to reduce the overall healing process.
  5. Can prevent or kill head lice: A found that when lavender essential oil is applied to the scalp it can prevent or possibly even kill head lice. The study tested lavender alongside tea tree essential oil and found that using a combination of the two could produce even better results – although further research is needed. However, if you already have prescribed medication treatment to treat a head lice infection, it is not recommended that you replace it with essential oils.

Lavender Field

How to use lavender essential oil for hair

There are lots of lavender oil benefits for hair that you can enjoy, depending on how it is applied. Take a look at our suggestions below to see what works best for you:

  1. Combine lavender oil with your hair products: Lavender essential oil can easily be combined with your favourite hair products, which can offer hair growth and scalp benefits. Simply add about 5 drops per 30ml of product and use as normal. Alternatively, place a small amount of product in the palm of your hand and mix 2-3 drops of oil before application.
  2. Try a lavender oil hair serum: Some hair serums include lavender essential oil in their ingredients, helping to give more control over oily, split or frizzy hair. This lavender treatment oil for hair and skin does just this, and also contains hair nourishing carrier oils; Argan, Jojoba and Sweet Almond.
  3. Massage lavender oil directly into the scalp: An easy way to enjoy lavender oil benefits for hair is to dilute it with a carrier oil (using a 1:1 ratio mix) and massage into your scalp. Try this when you come out of the shower or bath and let it rest in your hair for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it out. You can also leave it overnight if you are comfortable sleeping with a towel wrapped around your hair, allowing the oil to fully soak in.
  4. Use a lavender essential oil hair mask: There are lots of lavender oil hair masks available to buy – with many also using natural ingredients. Trying this approach once a week allows you to enjoy its full benefits and could also help to prevent hair breakage.
  5. Buy a lavender oil-based product: If you see a product that contains lavender essential oil or lavender hydrolate, this could offer benefits for your scalp, with the fragrance also helping to calm and soothe. It’s likely that the oil will be diluted, but if you look for products with as many natural ingredients as possible, it can only be good news for your hair and scalp.

Close up of lavender in a lavender field

How to make a rosemary and lavender hair mask for glossy hair

While Lavender oil alone makes a great hair mask, adding Rosemary essential oil in the mix can maximise the benefits, leaving your hair feeling soft and shiny.

Here’s how to make your own DIY Rosemary and Lavender hair mask:



Mix all of the ingredients together using a bullet or stick blender.

Do not hand-mix – the banana must blend completely smoothly in order for the mask to wash out easily.

How to use:

  1. Apply to damp hair. If you have made your mask with brewed tea and oat milk, you also have the option to apply it to dry, clean hair.
  2. Leave on for at least 30mins. You can leave the mask on for much longer than this if you wish – it depends on your hair type and the results you want to achieve.
  3. Rinse off and enjoy soft, nourished hair.

Feeling lazy? Why not try our pre made rosemary oil for hair blend that you can use straight out of the bottle.

Learn more about how rosemary oil benefits your hair.

What are the side effects of lavender essential oil?

When diluted and applied correctly, any risks associated with using lavender essential oil are greatly reduced.

However, if the oil is applied to the skin or hair without following the recommended instructions, it can cause an allergic reaction.

If you are using lavender essential oil (or any essential oil) for the first time, you should complete a patch test to see how your body reacts.

This can be done by adding 1-2 drops to the upper inside part of your forearm before covering it with a plaster for 24 hours. If you experience inflammation, redness or irritation of any kind, do not continue to use the oil.

Even when diluted, avoid applying lavender oil to your mouth, nose, ears, eyes and other sensitive parts of your body.

Also, if you take depressants or medication that is designed to sedate the nervous system, you should be cautious about inhaling or using lavender oil as it can increase the feeling of drowsiness or sleepiness.

Black and white illustration of a lavender sprig

Lavender essential oil is perfectly safe to use on your hair and skin and offers a host of benefits with regular application, including promoting hair growth and easing skin inflammation.

Try some of our application suggestions above to see what works best for you.

And you can always diffuse lavender essential oil or include it in soap or candle recipes, allowing you to enjoy its aromatherapeutic benefits in the comfort of your own home any time you fancy some ‘you’ time.

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The content in this article is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to take the place of medical advice. Please consult your personal physician for any advice or treatment regarding specific health questions. Neither the article editor, writer, nor the organisation of Nikura takes any responsibility for possible health consequences following the information given in any article. All readers should consult their physician before taking any advice given within these articles.

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